P005 → En musique, MUSIC
Arthur MGZ a toujours été passionné de musique, jouant du saxophone étant enfant, puis se consacrant entièrement à la danse. En parallèle, il produit depuis 7 ans, et plus profondément depuis 4 ans avec le beat making et la production analogique en collectant et en samplant des vinyles, avec des platines, MPC one, Sp404a & Boss303. Il crée des paysages sonores, Hip-hop instrumentaux, alternatifs, contemplatifs avec une forte curation dans les motifs rythmiques et la sélection des samples. Tous ses projets solo et collaborations avec des artistes sont disponibles sur les plateformes de streaming ici, et à l'achat sur Bandcamp.
En collectionnant ces disques, il a commencé à jouer en tant que DJ dans des événements Hip-hop, des cyphers et des fêtes, uniquement avec des vinyles. Incarnant sa sélection et les disques qui croisent son chemin. Naviguant dans le monde de la musique, découvrant et créant à partir des racines du passé. Dans le but de proposer des ambiances aux gens qui célèbrent la vie et de créer des moments. Passant du Funk, de la Soul, au Jazz, Fusion, au Disco, du Boogie au Hip-hop et au Rap.
Arthur MGZ as always been passionate about music, playing saxophone as a kid, then giving it all to the dance. In parallel he have been producing since 7 years, and more deeply 4 years ago with beat making and analogic production through collecting and sampling vinyls, with turntables, MPC one, Sp404a & Boss303. He create soundscapes, Hip-hop instrumental, alternative, contemplative with a strong curation in the rythmes patterns and the sample selection.
All his solo projects and collaboration with artists are available on streaming platforms here, and to buy on Bandcamp.
While collecting these records, he started to play as a DJ in Hip-hop events, cyphers and parties, strictly with vinyls. Incarnating his selection, and the records that cross his path. Navigating through the world of music, discovering and creating from the roots of the past. In the aim to propose moods to people celebrating life, and to create moments. Going from Funk, Soul, Jazz & Fusion, Disco, Boogie to Hip-hop & Rap.
The Quest Of Triquetra ?
Short story long: After a trip in Neufchatel to play beats at my brother Sauce Jaqsun's shop with my brother 6killz , I've get fully inspired, digged some crazy gems and had to chop em up.
Came out quickly with this album, infused by consciousness, research and question we have toward the cosmos and ourselves. Many layers of thoughts and samples. And this Audio travel just motivated me to write down a story : The Quest of Triquestra. A space searcher going from a planet to another in the loneliness of the universe. Having questions, having response, forgetting and living through cycles and loops. Then I’ve wanted to illustrate this story. A animation, a comic? all good ideas but that requires lots of time and I’ve wanted to keep the fresh spirit of this project, to drop it soon. So I went on something i’ve wanted to work for longtime : Collage. All from books i’ve been digging last few years, was hard to cut them out but once i’ve started it’s was a great experience. It's the perfect analogy for sampling in visual arts. Cutting, assembling, re-use and create new images. There is a board for each track, telling about the story literally and visually.
I guess several senses are touched by this project, I've put my heart in it as always and I hope it will make you travel as I did during the creation. All songs composed, mixed and mastered by arthur mgz, collage & design by arthur mgz
ECOTONE (with Melon Ako)
This work was completed in less than 24 hours at HaberEstudiao Estudios, Sabadell, by Arthur MGZ and Melon Ako.
To make this album we worked with: samples, vinyls, MPC One, SP303, SP404a, Cubase (DAW), bass, guitar and percussions such as cabasa, maraca, woods, tambourines, among others.
Sax by Shorty (@shorty.aka.nova) on track 16. Sound design by Arthur MGZ and Melon Ako. Final mastering by Melon Ako. Art Cover by Arthur MGZ.
GRANDIOSA (with Melon Ako)
For the SECOND TIME this work was completed in less than 24h, at HaberEstudiao Studios, Sabadell, 2022. To make this album we worked with: samples, vinyls, MPC One, SP303, SP404a, Cubase (DAW), bass, guitar, spanish guitar and percussions such as cabasa, maraca, woods, tambourines, among others.
Sound design by Arthur MGZ & Melon Ako. Final Mastering by Melon Ako. Art Cover by Arthur MGZ.GRANDIOSA (with Melon Ako)
CYCLE (with Melon Ako)
the last project of arthur mgz & melon ako is available on all the platforms.
Made in 2 days as always with records, instruments and machines. A contemplative soundtrack to see these cycles pass.
Self birthday present tape
all tracks are compose mix and master by arthur mgz. cover by arthur mgz
A Beat tape made of dead ends tracks that had find a new path. As a shaman, the link between the world of the dead and the livings, I’ve put the spirit of these old samples, and firsts tracks I did with the MPC, into news tracks, giving them a second life.
This is also a tribute to a great manga : shaman king, a subtil and forgotten one.
Yoh's mindset everyday, the third way between “good” & “evil” and errthang gonna be fine.
all tracks are compose mix and master by arthur mgz. cover by arthur mgz
Timed & Spaced (with 6killz)
all tracks produced and mixed by arthur mgz & 6killz in Cholet City (France) during a residency at the HerbnBeats
talk with hako (but i don't speak japanese)
Digged during the Covid lockdown. Cover by arthur mgz, Composed & mix by arthur mgz